Sunday, September 21, 2008

Empty nest syndrome

Ok, Ok....I've messed up again. Forgot to publish my post...I was wondering how come I keep seeing only 2 of my previous postings. Dinosaur, dinosaur....

Seng has left for Newcastle exactly a week from today. Surprisingly, it was not as painful as I thought....unlike the time Duke went off to Adelaide. Took me 1 full week to get over the emptiness. Poor Ee-Ee got the brunt of it. I remembered when she text me that night Boy flew off, the poor girl had to endure at least an hour of my long messages of woe and sadness. I only stopped when she said I was making her cry! She's such a far away and still have to console me.

I guess this time round the daily phone calls helped (how come I never thought about doing the same when Boy left???). Good move........until I get the phone bill at month end, that is. I'll have another kind of pain then! But seriously, having Ian with me last Monday really helped. With all the incessant "ee ma ma" questions and activities, there was really no time to mope and feel sad. Thanks Ben and Ping for letting me "adopt" him for a day. Boy has been great too. It must be tough for him to squeeze out from his busy schedules to spend some quality time with me. Really means a lot to me.

It's nice to know Seng's settling in well with his friends. Little bumps here and there (including something of the nocturnal kind) but generally smooth going. Prayers work! Now waiting for his internet to be connected so that we can go into proper and cheaper mode of communication. Apparently his room mates told him that the internet has been down for 2 weeks and nobody knew why. So much for UK technology. Can't wait to see photos of his apartment and surroundings.

Just a few days more and I can be spared of sending synopsis of the Ka Ho Yuet Yuen series. The series will be ending soon. Whew! I was beginning to feel like I was doing homework..: )

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Life's a Roller Coaster

Hellooo world….I’m baaack! Not sure about the “with a vengeance” bit. I’m still trying to navigate within my blog. I seriously feel that those guys who designed the blog format and templates are all sadists….out to maim and torment IT dinosaurs like me.

Anyway… It’s been a long, long while since I last put in something in my blog (4 months or so??) - talk about inconsistencies.... : )

During this time of absence, the petrol price went up and sort of hit the roof (hopefully that’s the end of it), the Olympics came and went, Citibank went through or rather still going through a period of organizational turbulence, Thaksin, the ex-Thai PM absconded to London – leaving behind a very rowdy Thailand, Somalian pirates are reportedly roaming the high seas and holding seamen for ransom, Sichuan province was hard hit by a killer earthquake, US may vote in their lst black President, and so on and so forth..... And that’s some of international news.

At the homefront, Ee Ee returned for her summer break in July and just went back to Ukraine for her final year in med school last week, Seng’s leaving for Newcastle next week, the maid found 3 new boyfriends, raking up a total of RM900+ worth of phone bills, my uneventful 25th anniversary passed me by without any fanfare (sigh!), Patrick’s karaoke LakeClub team won the inter-club team event, I learnt how to use Nokia PC suite and (check this out!!) I took up a new hobby – brisk walking around KLCC in the evenings after work..…Thank goodness, other than the maid’s romantic shenanigans, things have been peaceful and normal at home.

I’m beginning to hate reading the daily news. Other than being forced fed on news of incessant political bickerings and corrupted intents of politicians, there’s really nothing else to read in the local newspapers other than the daily dosage of robberies, murders, natural disasters, country instabilities and generally blatant personifications of all the sins of mankind. But what’s most amazing is that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE’s talking about the end of time – the end days! It is indeed such a strange, but sad phenomenon in that, this belief in end times is acknowledged and embraced by all religions and non-religious bodies, without question or argument. If only carnal man can find common agreement in a less morbid subject.

Enough of the gloom and doom. Just found this song – Ordinary Miracles. Love it! It tells us to treasure the ordinary for they are miracles in themselves. Who knows what will happen in the next minute or second. It’s the present we should appreciate. Goes like this....

It’s not that unusual
When everything is beautiful
It’s just another ordinary miracle today

The sky knows when it’s time to snow,
Don’t need to teach a seed to grow
It’s just another ordinary miracle today

Life is like a gift they say,
Wrapped up for you everyday
Open up and find a way
To give some of your own

Isn’t it remarkable
Like every time a raindrop falls
It’s just another ordinary miracle today

Birds in winter have their fling
But always make it home by spring
It’s just another ordinary miracle today

When you wake up everyday
Please don’t throw your dreams away
Hold them close to your heart
Cause we’re all apart
Of the ordinary miracle

It seems so exceptional
That things just work out after all
It’s just another ordinary miracle today

Sun comes up and shines so bright
And disappears again at night

It’s just another ordinary miracle today

Got to sign off now. My new venture - write less to make up for the frequency. Chow!

Holiday Observations

I'm on leave today - on mum duty. Thought of doing some serious "lepaking" and catch up on some of the local and foreign political news. I'm all ready at my dining table, the fan is on, the dogs are frolicking at my feet, the indoor fountain is providing the spa ambience, and the aroma my coffee filling the air. Aah...Pure bliss...: ) I opened my copy of today's "Star". And what do I get? Headlines screaming that our grand-ole man "Dr M quits Umno" (a full 10 pages dedicated to it, mind you). Did a quick take on the rest of the papers and decided to do an analysis of contents (I'm sooo free, rite?) - 3 pages sort-of mentioning about the Chinese and Myanmese disasters and 2 pages-full advertising on Air Asia. The balance - half of the heap goes to more advertisements and sports. So what's left? Go figure. Our neighbourhood newspaper sure knows how to put things in perspective, doesn't it? Got bored and turned on the You Tube to surf a recommended-read site : the Church of Oprah. This, for the record, is now the largest church in the world. For its first service in Mar,2008, there were 300,000 people. As at end March, total attendees grew to a meteoric 2 million..and that's only in N America. Goodness knows, what the latest number. So what's she advocating? She's saying : i) Who you are, requires no belief, ii) heaven is not a location but refers to an inner realm of consciousness, iii) Jesus is an archetypal image of every man and woman, iv) your mind is part of God's, thus you are very holy and your holiness is your salvation ie it comes from you. This is the New Age Religion. In short, you don't need God, you are God. By the way, she is the High Priestess of this religion. There are tons of postings and discussion sites in the web talking about this new phenomenon. For those who disagree and condemn such teachings, they are unwittingly giving it free publicity and spreading it even more. For the curious, there are loads of high-tech multimedia presentations to interest anyone for hours - I spent 2 hours just skimming on some of these sites. Well, she's the richest woman on this planet...she can well afford the top-of-the class technology and PR.The news of today depresses takes a lot of effort and hard hunting to find good news nowadays. It's as if the world is folding up into a massive mass of confusion, insecurity and misery. They have a name for it - the end time symptoms. Gives me the chills (brrr!). Call me an ostritch but I'm sticking my head into my line dancing notes and classes for entertainment and personal challenges. They're a much safer and healthier alternative. As my circle of influence progressively decreases and my impending retirement looms, it's time to take stock of my priorities and needs. Starting this blog is one of them (it's cheaper than travelling, caters to my need and love to write, feeds my ego ;-P and prevent senility, I hope.) In the meantime I'm still finding more interests to fill my time...they say gardening's fun and charity work's noble....erhm....let's see....Message to the Thams: babysitting proposals are not part of the above must-do activities nor do they fall within the category of post retirement hobbies : ) They are under the "occasional craving" group, together with the other "once-in-a-while must-have" food cravings.