Sunday, October 5, 2008

C'est La Vie

Seng has been in Newscastle exactly 3 weeks as at todate. Almost 8 more months to go. Wow, how time flies and it's not as if it has been fun. During this long acclimatization process, I've been exposed to so many technological wonders... I learnt about the use and workings of the webcam (tho not quite successful as yet, following yesterday's failed attempts), learnt how to send parcels (eh, maybe not... have not done it yet, only from theory), learnt to use the MSN, hotmail (aahh...this one I did yesterday, so considered passed the test). Next step? Explore the Skype, facebook, ...

Recently I've been exposed to quite a lot of stories told by mum and mum-in-law. Good stuff fact, all the elements of a bigseller are there .... love, violence, betrayals, trials, suspense ....etc.etc. From all accounts, the stories told are so colourful, so full of human emotions and so rich in experiences, they're almost like scenes taken from the movie, Joy Luck Club.

The range of events is tremendous. Mum-in-law's life starts from the era of communist China, whilst mum's is from the era of the emerging markets. Totally different but both dynamically absorbing. Come to think about it, I also have stories from my friends' mums, but that's another story (pardon the pun). Reckon from my interest shown (aka kay-pohness), not wanting to brag... (ahem, ahem..) I feel I know more about my MIL than even her own children do. Maybe I'll write her memoir someday....for my kids so that they know who their ma-ma and ah gong are.

Mum and Dad are such good storytellers and generous with their accounts of bygone years....Dad's accounts are usually funny while mum's very detailed and animated. At various times (mostly during dinner) all of us (children and grandkids) have heard snippets of their life and experiences in some form or other. I'll write their memoirs someday, too, so as not to forget. Need help from everyone tho, my senior moments are catching up on me...getting very forgetful nowadays. My only hope is the other CNN of the family. He'll help me remember : )

That brings us to us...yes, us! I think it's important to share our experiences and life with our kids. It's good for our kids to know and understand who we really are....I call it our legacy to them before we pass on. We have been on this planet for such a long, long time (I'm talking to those in the late 40s and above)., we've done so much, gone through so much. It will be such a waste that so many memories (good and bad) go forgotten. I love stories....especially stories from our parents. They give me an identity, a sense of closeness.... and most of all, always bring a smile to my face, knowing that through it all, they did superbly well (we turned out well , didn't we???...ahem and double ahem). Luckily mum doesn't know how to read English.......mati la me ; P

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